Rocking Live

Rocking Live

Getting my sounds out there – It's raw, but its real!


A Rocking Guitarist!

All posts by TimBuktoo


A tibute to Fleetwood Mac’s Peter Green, who is sadly no longer with us, but was one of the best rock guitarists of the last century. He was certainly one of my favorite guitar players, one of my biggest influences, and who, along with Carlos Santana, possessed that really wonderful fluid style, that I try to emulate in my playing,

A Lack Of Seagulls!

I filmed this ages ago, from just above the cove in Benidorm.… Read the rest

Still Rocking!

It’s been a while since I posted any live sessions – but here’s a track I recorded that I liked – OK – so the thrashing intro riff, of just one chord, is way too long – yeah I know lol, I got a bit carried away by the moment – but after that, its not too bad at all, even if I do say so myself!

Its a nice rock sound – coming from my fender strat, through my trusty Digitech RP200 effects pedal, with a manual setting – then looped through my Digitech loop pedal to lay down the riff I then solo over.… Read the rest

Your Guitar Pedal Power Supply

Take The Power Back!

Effects pedals are great, they can make your playing sound way way better than a simple amp can, making you feel good about your playing, while keeping your audience, if you have one, far better entertained. But whether you have an assortment of pedals professionally clamped down to an expensive pedal board, or just a couple of pedals strewn about your bedroom floor, you are going to need to power them.… Read the rest

The JamMan Express XT Loop Pedal – A Review

If you want to practice playing over chords, if you want to solo over chord patterns you create, or if you want to build instant multi-tracks, you are going to need a good loop pedal!

This is the loop pedal I own and use – I have found it to be easy to use, reliable, and with no fuss. It may not have all the bells and whistles that some more expensive, more complex loop pedals have, but for pure usability, and simplicity, The JamMan Express is certainly the go to loop pedal for my day to day practice, and recording sessions.… Read the rest

Keep On Rocking

Never Mind The Distortion – Keep On Rocking!

The sound is little distorted in the beginning, but undeterred by this I quickly start playing my low E string, faster and faster, until I can’t help but go into a Dick Dale – Pulp fiction, kind of thing, that, if I spent more work on, could sound quite good – At least it could sound quite good without the distortion I am currently suffering from!… Read the rest

Diamonds In The Mud!

A Mysterious Stickiness

I should have recorded this session a day earlier, but my cat is on heat! Why should that be a problem – I hear you ask – Well, the thing is, when she is on heat she likes to pee everywhere, and yesterday she picked my guitar cable as one of the places she decided to pee. So, when I went to plug my guitar in, I noticed the cable had a certain unfamiliar stickiness to it, and a somewhat unpleasant aroma.… Read the rest

One Bum Note – Damn!

Damn Cat!

Not much recorded today – mainly thanks to the cat, and its habit of pressing random buttons on my mixer. It’s cold in the house at the moment, because January! – The mixer gets nice and warm when it has been turned on for a while – so despite all those very uncomfortable looking knobs and dials, she likes to sit on it! her paw’s pads are very good at pressing the buttons.… Read the rest

A New Year Begins!

After the Christmas hols, the New Year celebrations, and a few days in bed with quite a nasty bout of flu, I am back with some more live sounds to rock you with!

The Notes Don’t Seem To Fit!

And it’s straight into some chugging, with a bit of distortion from the mixer which usually goes away after a few seconds or so. It’s a rock and roll beat, but I can’t quite seem to get the right amount of beats into the bars – they just don’t seem to fit properly at first.… Read the rest

Trying Out My New Vape

First Time Vaping & Recording!

So this is the first session I have recorded using my Christmas present – my new vape. I set the temperature to 200C, not too high, not too low, at least that is what I hope! After a few minutes of sucking, unsure as to whether anything is happening or not, the vaper turns itself off – leaving me feeling relaxed, and a bit spaced. The feeling I have got from the vape is very different to the feeling I get from smoking a joint, more laid back, less intense, much less anxiety, and no feeling of paranoia at all.… Read the rest

A Happy Ending!

No Particular Plan!

A new day, a new session – no plan, no particular objective – just gonna try to record an hour or so of something, and hope there is a track, maybe two, with so few mistakes, I can cut it out, and post it with my other best efforts.

I begin, as usual with some aimless chugging – chugging that tries to go into a gypsy sound – but soon fails!… Read the rest